Welcome to CBD ME

Where you can find a little relief, symptom management & overall improved quality of life with our CBD products

Why use CBD products?

There is so much information online showing the benefits of CBD, for all people, with varying conditions. For my condition, they have helped me immensely.

How have they helped me with being bedbound 80% of the time?

I have a better overall feeling of wellbeing. Even though living with chronic illness and chronic pain, I feel brighter with an improved mood, lighter somehow. On bad days it gives me a little to get up to. 

MEeps, I feel with a complex neuro immunocompromised body and this illness, we will always have sleep difficulties, it’s subtle with no cures. But, I’m definitely better with it than without.

I recommend to keep a diary noting small differences & changes; Energy, Mood, Quality of sleep.

Honestly, I wish you’d try my Capsules/Oils, even for just 3 months & then say, well I tried. 



There is so much still to learn about M.E. and how to move forward and help those with the illness. You can support research and learn more about what is being done by checking out TheBigGive and LDFME to donate. Thank you.